TSPI supports the urban agriculture project of the Department of Agriculture – Bureau of Plant Industry (DA-BPI), which aims to ensure the availability and accessibility of safe and fresh vegetables in the urban areas. The project is under the DA’s “Ahon Lahat, Pagkaing Sapat Kontra sa Covid-19” (ALPAS sa COVID-19) Program. The project partnership was formed and represented by none other than DA Honorable Secretary William D. Dar along with BPI Director George Y. Culaste and TSPI Chairman Atty. Lamberto L. Meer and President Rene E. Cristobal.
To encourage both clients and staff in urban farming, TSPI Microfinance NGO and TSPI Mutual Benefit Association, Inc. (MBAI) launched the Urban Gulayan Project. It aims to create awareness on food security among urban households and promote healthy diet by making nutritious food readily available. More so, it will encourage community sharing during harvest or provide additional income for those with big enough space that can produce enough vegetables for selling.

An online “Training on Urban Vegetable Gardening” was conducted last October 23, 2020 by DA-BPI. On November 6, the DA-BPI team headed by Mr. Ernie Lito Bolloso, BPI Training Team Asst. Leader for the Urban Agriculture Program visited in the “Urban Gulayan” project areas located at the TPSI Head Office, Corporate Center and Taguig branch. They were accompanied by TSPI’s Senior Management Team, Central Sector personnel and Taguig branch clients. During the visit, employees and clients learn the appropriate crop and planting techniques based on the size and set-up of the vegetable planting areas. Vegetable seedlings e.g. pepper, mustard and squash were distributed by BPI. There was also actual sowing demonstration to clients and staff. With the support of DA-BPI, “Urban Gulayan” is doable and achievable!