Sambayanihan was derived from two words, “Samba” and “Bayanihan”, these were used to describe how service was delivered to members during the pandemic. It means helping one another and working together to serve others for God’s glory. Hand-in-hand, TSPI collaborated with three organizations to help our clients get by in terms of their essential needs.

TSPI- Mutual Benefit Association, Inc (TSPI – MBAI) distributed Php 1M worth of hygiene kits (alcohol, face mask, soap and disinfectant) to 14,199 members and conducted a series of Health Information Campaign in all branches. It also provided Free Basic Life Insurance Program (BLIP) Renewal to at least 200,000 members.

Livelihood opportunities and skills training were conducted for micro-entrepreneur clients to sustain, recover or start new businesses. This was in partnership with Mansfield International Inc. (MII), Glorious Lifestyle Direct, International Inc. (GLaD), Sophie Philippines and Unilever, Philippines.

Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI) – Department of Agriculture worked hand–in-hand with TSPI in the project of “Ahon Lahat, Pagkaing Sapat Kontra Covid-19 (ALPAS COVID -19).” This aimed to ensure the availability of fresh vegetables in urban areas, which led to the Urban Gulayan Project in nine (9) Metro Manila branches.

Jollibee Group Foundation (JGF) continued to provide market linkage support to farmer groups (ALCAVEGA, Inc. and MASIFAGCA Pangkabuhayan, Inc.).

Wholistic Transformation Resource Center (WTRC) distributed a total of 75 sacks of rice to 1,250 clients (mostly senior citizens) in Metro Manila branches.